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Artist Adrian Moens at The Comfort Station

“Adrian Moens’ multimedia exhibit and installation transmit/transmute integrates sound, sculpture, video, writing and painting. The underlying, and often paired, themes of rhythm and resonance, loss and removal, and empathy and…

Adrian Moens. transmit/transmute. Comfort Station. Logan Square, Chicago IL. July 2011.

“Adrian Moens’ multimedia exhibit and installation transmit/transmute integrates sound, sculpture, video, writing and painting. The underlying, and often paired, themes of rhythm and resonance, loss and removal, and empathy and revulsion are addressed through carefully considered minutiae of discreet words, imagery objects and sounds.” (This is an excerpt taken from a full press release provided by The Comfort Station.) transmit/transmute will run from this weekend until July 22. Adrian spent Sunday afternoon at the space for an opportunity to talk with more people who stopped in to check out the show.

Below is a short, fun, less formal interview done with the artist. This is the first of many interviews to come called, The Six Inch Surveys. It is our way of getting to know more artists and creative people in a short period of time.

1. When are you at your most creative?

When I’m alone

2. What is your drink of choice?

Hot coffee. Never, ever iced. Ever.

3. What is your favorite smell?

The people I love.

4. If you could collaborate with any artist, past or present, who would it be?

Joseph Beuys

5. What would you do if you didn’t have a career in the arts and skills, education, and money weren’t a factor?

Travel everywhere.

6. Nude or Naked?

Absolutely naked

To learn more about the artist, Adrian Moens and the Comfort Station go to

The Comfort Station is located at 2579 North Milwaukee Avenue

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