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Spudnik Press: November Drink and Draw


Two weeks ago I spent my second Wednesday night at the Drink and Draw hosted by Spudnik Press. Every first Wednesday, Chicago artists gather to sketch, doodle, chat, and drink…

Two weeks ago I spent my second Wednesday night at the Drink and Draw hosted by Spudnik Press. Every first Wednesday, Chicago artists gather to sketch, doodle, chat, and drink from 7:30 to 9:30 over in Chicago’s eerily quiet industrial corridor. Despite the remote location, the attendance has been high both times I’ve dropped by. On Wednesday, seating was scarce, but whether at a light table or crammed onto the couch, everyone managed to find a place to draw. Though I showed up alone, I soon found a spot at a large table and sat down surrounded by unfamiliar faces. Like most of my visits to Spudnik, an encounter with strangers soon turned into a lively conversation. Working through the night’s theme (imaginary landscapes) and chatting with some East Coast artists about how they made their way to Chicago, before I knew it, it was 9:30. I’ve been criticized for attending an event called the Drink and Draw when I don’t drink and rarely draw. What pulls me in is the feeling of community that surrounds Spudnik Press. I get the feeling that most everyone else comes for the same reason; I figure it can’t just be the spiced cider that brings everyone out to middle of nowhere, Chicago.

Spudnik Press’ next Drink and Draw will be on December 1st. The theme is to be determined.

November Drink and Draw at Spudnik Press from Zachary Johnson on Vimeo.

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