We are seeking pitches of articles and comics that are written in languages outside of english.
Recent Bilingual Articles
Look Longer: Reflections on Opening Passages: Photographers Respond to Chicago and Paris
Ghosh and roach go on a journey across the city to a multi-venue and multi-neighborhood project Opening Passages that de-centers the Loop as the main hub for cultural creativity in Chicago.
Confiar No Processo: Uma Entrevista Com Diana Motta Sobre Pintura e Espiritualidade
Formada em astrologia e na filosofia da kabbalah, Diana Motta vê a pintura abstrata como uma prática que permite que o conhecimento místico encontre expressão através do corpo.
Trusting the Process: An Interview with Diana Motta
Thomas Love interviews abstract painter Diana Motta about the spiritual nature of her paintings and how she is impacted by various cultural traditions.
A Mother’s Love: a “Somewhere In Chicago” Story
Somewhere in Chicago lives a young vandal. Trying to get his name up, but most importantly, make his momma proud!