Find & Seek is a way for Sixty’s community of artists, cultural workers, and culture lovers to build new connections and spark new relationships throughout the Midwest.
Find & Seek takes inspiration from “missed connection” webpages and newspaper classifieds by inviting you to use Sixty’s platforms to find (re)connections or seek new artful connections somewhat anonymously.
You can post encounters where you thought you were vibing with someone at an event but were thwarted by shyness and circumstances, or you can post invitations to meet new people and plan a new art date.
How we nurture and expand our communities is as important today as it has always been. With Find & Seek we at Sixty hope to bring an added layer of joy, curiosity, bravery, and possibility to the process.
To help us sustain and grow this project we offer these listings at $15 each, with a pay-it-forward option that allows you to donate a listing for those who want to submit a listing but can’t afford it at the moment.
Finding is akin to a “missed connection”. Did you see someone in public and wish you could’ve introduced yourself? Here’s your opportunity.
Seeking is for those eager to make a connection with someone new. Want to gallery hop or start a reading group in your city? Try it.
Why are we charging for listings?
Find & Seek is part of Sixty’s creative reimagining of how we fundraise for the work we do. Initiatives like this are Sixty’s way of thinking intentionally about the traditional nonprofit model which relies on charitable donations from individuals, businesses, and institutions, and what is offered in exchange for those donations. Instead of having a donor model that asks people to tap into their altruism, we seek to create community-aligned and useful relationships with our donors that provide enriching tools and wider community investment opportunities in exchange for their financial support of Sixty’s work.