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TRACERS Take On Environment: Madison Miller



A collaborative online exhibition project with the Chicago Park District’s TRACE program, based in Hamilton Park.

This project is part of a collaboration between Sixty and the Chicago Park District’s TRACE program at Hamilton Park, featuring work by artists in the program. Learn more about the collaboration from the lead teaching artists and see the other artists’ projects here.

Artist Statement

Look to your Left then look to your right. Notice what you see, hear; does it move? Does it breath? Does it sit still? Now stop, pause, think about it.

I find myself constantly thinking about multiple things at once. Weather it’s the thing around me or the people I meet. I’m always trying to find a purpose and why something is here, yet I never stop to think why it can’t be and what might someone else see ; until I picked up a camera.



All images and words are selected and created by the artist. 

Screen Shot 2017-05-08 at 4.39.41 PMTRACE (Teens Reimagining Art, Community, & Environment) is a Chicago Park District-based program that develops young Creative Activists who seek to understand and exercise their abilities and shared responsibility to advocate for and create change within their local and wider communities. We do this by using art processes to engage in dialogue, bride-building, and problem-solving.

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