Wrote One
Mon, Dec 12, 2016, 6:30pm CST
Rootwork Gallery (645 W. 18th St)
In 2016/17 Sixty will host Wrote, a series of gatherings that bring together arts and culture writers, platform-builders, and media-makers in Chicago who speak across generational lines and experiment with production models. Wrote One is the kick off convening at Rootwork Gallery in Pilsen.
Held at various locations throughout the city, these convenings are an invitation to Chicagoans who use audio, video, photography, and writing, or provide a digital/physical space to publish stories and critical thought about art + culture happening outside of mainstream purview, particularly those whose content aligns with the mission and vision of Sixty.
This is an opportunity for us to get to know one another, voice thoughts on the local and national cultural media and publishing landscape, get a deeper understanding of what we all do or want to do, while getting in some coalition building.
Wrote One, the first in the series of convenings, will be a time to voice all major questions, thoughts, and concerns in the field and take note of what topics rise to the top for media makers. This initial convening will ultimately give shape to the future Wrote gatherings.