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Tempestt Hazel

Tw: @tempesttdhazel / Insta: @tempestthazel

Tempestt Hazel is a curator, writer, artist advocate, and co-founder of Sixty Inches From Center. Through her work at Sixty, Field Foundation, and several other cultural organizations and initiatives across Chicago and the Midwest, Tempestt has worked alongside artists, organizers, and cultural workers to explore solidarity economies, cooperative models, and values-based practices.

Her curatorial, archive, and collection projects have been produced with the University of North Texas, South Side Community Art Center, Terrain Exhibitions, the Black Metropolis Research Consortium, the Smart Museum of Art, and the University of Chicago, among others. Her writing has been published with Candor Arts, UChicago Press, Tremaine Foundation, Prospect.4, Alphawood Exhibitions, Haymarket Books, and Duke University, as well as in various exhibition catalogs and artist monographs. She was the 2019 recipient of the J. Franklin Jameson Archival Advocacy Award from the Society of American Archivists.

Tempestt was born and raised in Peoria, Illinois, spent several years in the California Bay Area, and has called Chicago her second home for over 13 years.

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