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Repository and Repertoire_10


Installation view: Repository and Repertoire, 2021, Chicago Artists Coalition. Photo courtesy of the artists and curator.

Image: Installation view of Chicago Artists Coalition’s Repository and Repertoire. José Santiago Pérez's sculptural pieces Un/Burden (so you may release), 2020, and Un/Burden (so you may restore), 2020, sit in the foreground on a white exhibition plinth. The piece on the left is composed of light-pink coiled emergency blankets and plastic lacing. The piece on the right is composed of silver and purple emergency blankets and plastic lacing. In the background Jazmine Harris' self-portrait Untitled is exhibited on the wall. To the left of Harris' piece, is Perez's, Un/Burden (so you may continue), 2020: two rimmed sculptural light pink and aqua-marine sculptural forms composed of the same materials. Photo courtesy of the artist and curator.