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Featured image: Latrelle Bright (left) and Nicole Anderson-Cobb (right) stand on the concrete back patio of the Allerton Park house they occupied during their residency. Bright is a Black woman who is wearing a long, gray short-sleeved shirt, gray pants, and a cool-colored striped scarf. She has closely cropped, short hair. She looks off into…

Image: Latrelle Bright (left) and Nicole Anderson-Cobb (right) stand on the concrete back patio of the Allerton Park house they occupied during their residency. Bright is Black woman who is wearing a long, gray short-sleeved shirt, gray pants, and a cool-colored striped scarf. She has closely cropped, short hair. She looks off into the distance. Anderson-Cobb is a Black woman who is wearing a red long sleeved shirt, black pants, and a warm colored scarf. Her hair is tied in a top knot on her head. The house is brick with a painted white door and trim. Photo by Jessica Hammie.