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Joining Sixty’s Board of Directors

Our Board Vision + Values

Sixty is a small, worker-led, and non-hierarchical organization. Our Board of Directors plays a significant supportive and collaborative role in helping the organization sustain, grow in thoughtful and strategic ways, and succeed as we carry out our mission through partnerships, programs, publishing, and events. But below the surface of those responsibilities lies something just as important – expanding Sixty’s network of readers and resources while also keeping us connected and aware of the artists, archival practices, and activities that are most relevant to our audiences as well as to the cultural workers we serve.

We recognize the legal obligation of the Board of Directors to be a governing body for the organization. As a non-hierarchical and worker-led organization, we emphasize the importance of collaboration, cooperation, and consensus that is not top-down. Even in the most challenging of governing circumstances, we prioritize the board and all staff coming together as a team to make decisions and work through challenges together as they arise, with all team members’ ideas holding equal weight.

We are dedicated to building a strong board that is composed of individuals who bring a wide range of skill sets to the table. We seek people who have demonstrated a dedication to the values woven into Sixty’s mission and the causes of those working within and for indigenous, diasporic, trans, queer, and disability communities of artists, memory workers, and cultural workers within as well as outside of the organization.

Current Board of Directors

At present, Sixty Inches From Center operates with a majority working board, meaning that some of our board members are also part of our administrative and managing team. As we grow, we seek to maintain or increase the percentage of members that directly reflect our mission. 

  • Tempestt Hazel – Board Chair
  • Britt Julious – Board Member
  • Annette LePique – Secretary
  • Dawn Rose – Treasurer

Role Description + Scope

While day-to-day operations are led by Sixty’s team, the Board-Team relationship is a strategic partnership, and the involvement of the Board is critical. Specific Board Member responsibilities include the following:

  • Leadership, governance, and oversight
  • Enthusiastic ambassador of Sixty by actively sharing out its efforts and milestones throughout the year (via social media, interpersonally, panel opportunities, etc.)
  • Trusted advisor to and collaborator with the administrative team as they develop and implement Sixty’s mission along with the partnerships, programs, archival partnerships, and editorial production related to the mission
  • Participation through reviewing agendas and supporting materials prior to board and committee meetings
  • Timely engagement when reviewing and providing feedback on Sixty’s annual budget and business decisions, including being informed of and meeting all legal and fiduciary responsibilities
  • Assistance in identifying and recruiting other Board Members
  • Service on committees and with special assignments 
  • Awareness and commitment to our Core Values and that our operations are a reflection of those values
  • Continuity and maintenance of Sixty’s inclusive board and staff that reflects the communities Sixty serves

What We’re Looking For + Areas of Board Growth

Below are the areas of growth where we are seeking board member support. In our self-nomination form, we ask that you identify which of the following areas you have knowledge, experience, or expertise in. We also welcome expertise in areas that might be useful beyond these categories.

  • Non-grant and earned revenue development
  • Memberships, subscriptions, and cultivating individual donors
  • Board development
  • Regional and national outreach
  • Accessibility (in technology, programming, and the arts)
  • Archives (editorial, programs, advocacy, and projects)
  • Collectives, cooperatives, and distributed leadership models

Board Dues

In order to ensure we can keep positions on our board available for all types of potential members, monetary board dues are optional and the type of contribution is left to the discretion of each board member. 

We acknowledge that board members bring a lot of skills and resources, and may have many different ways they choose to support Sixty’s financial and operational development. Board members are asked to help Sixty in its various fundraising efforts which directly contribute to the ongoing operational and programmatic growth and sustainability of the organization.

Throughout the period of service, board members can choose a combination of options to contribute a self-determined amount of board dues annually. Some ways that board members have chosen to contribute include, but are not limited to:

  • Monetary contributions and donations through Sixty’s website
  • Book and Merch Purchases and Sales
  • Ticket Sales to Sixty Events
  • In-kind product and facility donations
  • In-kind marketing opportunities 
  • In-kind time donations (accounting, editing, strategic planning, keynotes + panelists, event volunteers, etc)
  • Making introductions to potential donors and creative partners

Board Terms + Participation

Sixty’s Board Directors serve a two-year term, then after two years will be eligible for re-appointment for an additional term of 2 years. There are no limits to board service; as long as the board member is committed to Sixty, Sixty is committed to them. Board meetings are held 3-4 times a year or as necessary leading up to large-scale events and projects. Board meetings are generally scheduled for the second weeks of March, June, and November on Thursdays from 5:30-7:30pm or Sundays from 11-1pm. For more on board terms, please read our bylaws.

How to Apply

To nominate yourself or someone else for Sixty’s board, click here.