Find & Seek is a way for Sixty’s community of artists, cultural workers, and culture lovers to build new connections and spark new relationships throughout the Midwest.
Find & Seek takes inspiration from “missed connection” webpages and newspaper classifieds by inviting you to use Sixty’s platforms to find (re)connections or seek new connections somewhat anonymously. You can post encounters where you thought you were vibing with someone but were thwarted by shyness, circumstances, or you can post invitations to meet new people and plan a new art date.
How we nurture and expand our communities is as important today as it has always been. With Find & Seek we at Sixty hope to bring an added layer of joy, curiosity, bravery, and possibility to the process.
Finding is akin to a “missed connection”. Did you see someone in public and wish you could’ve introduced yourself? Here is your opportunity.
Seeking is for those eager to make a connection with someone new. Want to gallery hop or start a reading group in your city? Create a listing.
Submit a Listing
Find & Seek listings are offered to those living in or traveling through the Midwest at $15 each. Why are we charging for listings?
Before making a listing, read our Guidelines and Community Disclaimer + Safety Tips.
Please note that submitting a listing or a response to a listing does not guarantee that it will be posted or delivered to the lister. If we determine that your listing or response violates our guidelines, community agreements, or the safety of our communities, we will issue you a refund immediately. When our team’s capacity allows, we will send further explanation of our decision. Otherwise, all questions about listings and responses can be sent to riley[at]sixtyinchesfromcenter.org.
Listings are updated monthly. Submit your listing by the 23rd of each month to have it included in the following month’s batch. New listings will be published during the second week of each month. All submissions will be posted anonymously and reviewed confidentially by Tempestt Hazel and Riley Yaxley, the co-leads of Sixty’s fundraising team.
Finding: If you recognize yourself in a listing, submit your email, response, and the listing number at this link.
Seeking: When someone is seeking new connections, their email will be shared publicly. Anyone interested can respond directly.
Hate to slice and run
I was packing up leftover blueberry pie at our friend’s birthday party and you complimented my baking skills. I was shook by your sweet smile and soft butch style, like a bite of fresh pie. Let’s do it again? -
Seeking classical music workers for creative research
I’m a queer writer of color working on a novel involving an orchestra & a billionaire philanthropist. I would be very grateful to speak to those who work in classical music (musicians, composers, critics, administrators, grant writers, etc.) to learn more about the world. I’m particularly excited to hear from labor organizers and/or QPOC working in this space, but all insights are welcome. I’m based in Madison, WI, but would love to speak to you on the phone/over email & buy you a drink (alcoholic or otherwise) for your time! Email me: flecocq[at]wisc.edu -
Monthly Transfemme Dinner
I’ve been hosting a monthly dinner for transfemmes out of my apartment in Avondale. I’d love to feed more girls and offer them a space to meet new people and gossip. The next dinner is Tuesday, February 25 @ 7pm. BYOB. Email me: yaxley1718[@]gmail.com -
Cutie with the Brown Shearling Jacket
You were working a poetry reading at Printer’s Row Wine Shop. I drank two glasses of orange wine. Afterward you complimented my fur jacket and showed me your shearling bomber jacket. I should have given you my number. Let’s hangout and try on each other’s jackets? -
Trans Lit Reading Group
I am a fiend for all the newest trans lit, and I want to find other people who love reading stories by and for trans people, too. Let’s meet at a park and chat about all the latest releases, like Lauren Cook’s “Sex Goblin” or Vera Blossom’s “How to Fuck Like a Girl” or the newest release from LittlePuss Press -
Let’s smell ancient life together?
I desperately want to see Agustine Zeger’s exhibition “(d)olor atemporal” at Prairie before it closes. Let’s meet up at the Jumping Bean at 1pm on Sunday, June 30 and walk over together? http://prairie.website/agustinezegers.html -
Anyone want to work on our ACRE apps together?
Writing residency applications is such a SLOG for me. Anyone else struggle to write about your work? Let’s get a group together and co-write each other’s applications so that we can all frolic around together in the Wisconsin countryside? -
Somewhat anxious lighting designer with the sweet, feminine face
You sat next to me on the couch during my friend’s poetry reading and kept fidgeting with your backpack. I watched you out of the corner of my eye, and I felt you doing the same. You had gorgeous, silky blonde hair. You introduced yourself afterward and told me that you were excited to be around so many interesting artists. I think you said that you are a lighting designer? I wanted to ask for your IG, but you slipped out without saying goodbye. Let’s grab a drink sometime? -
Stunning poetess with the strawberry blonde hair
You read a poem during the open mic about feeling pleasure during sex with a man for the first time, and I thought you looked angelic in the stage light. We talked briefly after the show, but I had to rush off to my friend’s poetry reading. Let’s cook dinner together and be friends? -
I swoon over men who wear converse.
You were wearing classic black high-top converse at the art opening for Joesky. Should I get my hands on the re-release of the converse knee-high shoes that just came out so we can match all cute? I was too shy to say hi but maybe we could have a good time together. Here’s to trying!
Why are we charging for listings?
Find & Seek is part of Sixty’s creative reimagining of how we fundraise for the work we do. Initiatives like this are Sixty’s way of thinking intentionally about the traditional nonprofit model which relies on charitable donations from individuals, businesses, and institutions, and what is offered in exchange for those donations. Instead of having a donor model that asks people to tap into their altruism, we seek to create community-aligned and useful relationships with our donors that provide enriching tools and wider community investment opportunities in exchange for their financial support of Sixty’s work.
Fostering a safe and loving community is our top priority. To encourage the best experiences possible, we ask that you read, consider, and agree to all of the points below before submitting to Find & Seek.
- Assume the best of people and situations (until proven otherwise) by treating everyone you meet or engage with through Find & Seek with grace, kindness, and respect.
- Listen to understand each other’s perspectives, boundaries, needs, curiosities, and opinions.
- Be open to unexpected and surprising new connections.
- Be truthful about the information you share through Find & Seek.
Community Disclaimer + Safety Tips
We cannot predict the outcome of anything, including your potential connection, and we cannot be held responsible for the outcomes once we hand off a connection to you. But we are happy to provide whatever support we can along the way. We ask that you review the following safety tips before you meet up with potential connections.
- Be sure to verify anyone who responds to your Find & Seek listing. We suggest checking their Instagram or other social media accounts, asking for them to send you a photo doing a specific pose, etc.
- Meet all potential connections in a public place.
- It is important to Sixty that you have a good experience with Find & Seek. Sixty does not tolerate racism, ableism, transphobia, homophobia, fatphobia, sexism, religious discrimination, hate speech, etc.
- Anyone who engages in such behavior will be restricted from submitting future Find & Seek. Please reach out to riley@sixtyinchesfromcenter.org with any questions, concerns, or if you have a problematic encounter or experience that you need to share.