Grishma Shah’s “Devadasi”

July 19, 2018 ·

Grishma Shah’s “Devadasi,” courtesy of the artist and Chicago Public Library. Image description: a collage illustration of a dancer in profile. She gestures with her hands and one foot kicks up and into the frame. She is wearing a black and green sari trimmed with gold and gold jewelry.

Grishma Shah's "Devadasi," courtesy of the artist and Chicago Public Library. Image description: a collage illustration of a dancer in profile. She gestures with her hands and one foot kicks up and into the frame. She is wearing a black and green sari trimmed with gold and gold jewelry.

Grishma Shah's "Devadasi," courtesy of the artist and Chicago Public Library. Image description: a collage illustration of a dancer in profile. She gestures with her hands and one foot kicks up and into the frame. She is wearing a black and green sari trimmed with gold and gold jewelry.

Grishma Shah’s “Devadasi,” courtesy of the artist and Chicago Public Library. Image description: a collage illustration of a dancer in profile. She gestures with her hands and one foot kicks up and into the frame. She is wearing a black and green sari trimmed with gold and gold jewelry.