November 29, 7pm CST
Pilsen Community Books, Chicago
Conocer y Conversar means Meet & Converse. This in-person event will serve as an opportunity for interested bilingual contributors to meet Sixty’s bilingual editor, Luz Magdaleno Flores, and foster dialogue and connection to further grow Sesenta and Sixty Bilingual. Are you interested in creating content in more than one language? Do you have ideas for pitches but want to talk it through first? This space will be an informal bilingual pitch meeting, we look forward to seeing you there!
There will be light snacks and refreshments, masks mandatory when not consuming. FREE GIVEAWAYS for attendees.

Te envitamos a Conocer y Conversar con nuestra editora bilingual, Luz Magdaleno Flores. Este espacio es una oportunidad para platicar y explorar contenido nuevo para Sesenta En Español y Sixty Bilingual. Estás interesado en crear contenido en spanglish o en otros lenguages? Tienes ideas pero quieres platicar mas sobre ellos? Te envitamos a Pilsen Community Books el Miercoles 29 de Noviembre a las 7pm, te veo alli!
Tendremos snacks y bebidas, masquarillas obligatorias cuando no consumiendo. SWAG GRATIS para ti!