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Udita Upadhyaya_Mock-up_8703_by Caleb Neubauer


Image: Udita Upadhyaya, detail of “nevernotmusic” book mock-ups, showing parts of two possible covers. Photo by Caleb Neubauer.

The image shows two possible versions of the book’s cover, one laid on top of the other. The version on top shows most of the cover image (thin gold parallel lines forming two triangles and a rhombus) and “nevernotmusic” and “Udita Upadhyaya” in gold text, on black paper. The book is very slightly ajar, such that the edges of its pages are visible (seemingly alternating in color, grey or white and black). The version below shows part of the same cover image, but larger and more spread out, with a tiny “Match Books” logo below it, also in gold.