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Udita Upadhyaya_Mock-up_8677_2_By Caleb Neubauer


Image: Udita Upadhyaya, detail of “nevernotmusic” book mock-up, showing part of the score “Dear Corey: Unfold (into you).” Photo by Caleb Neubauer.

This image depicts part of a performance score, bound into a thin book. On the top page, toward its bottom-right corner, it reads “Dear Corey: Unfold (into you)” in black ink on grey paper. Across the binding, on the bottom page—the majority of the image—text, lines, arrows, and shapes appear in black ink against a whitish vellum background. Solid black abstract shapes connect and overlap, creating white space where they overlap. Lines swoop, loop, and change direction, and some end in arrowheads. Text appears in different sizes and spatial orientations (e.g., right-side up, upside-down, diagonal, vertical, and organic shapes), with some words/phrases expanded in space, condensed, or intersecting with other text.