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Gallery 3 (20211217_cc_9949)


Featured image: Oliver Husain & Kerstin Schroedinger, DNCB, 2021, multi-channel moving-image installation with sound, installation dimensions variable; 16mm film and video subtitles: 5:30 minutes; video: 9:50 minutes; courtesy of the artists; Installation view, I don’t know you like that: The Bodywork of Hospitality, Bemis Center for Contemporary Arts, 2021. Image courtesy of Bemis Center for…

Featured image: Oliver Husain & Kerstin Schroedinger, DNCB, 2021, multi-channel moving-image installation with sound, installation dimensions variable; 16mm film and video subtitles: 5:30 minutes; video: 9:50 minutes; courtesy of the artists; Installation view, I don’t know you like that: The Bodywork of Hospitality, Bemis Center for Contemporary Arts, 2021. Image courtesy of Bemis Center for Contemporary Arts; photo: Colin Conces. A large screen shows hands placing a tape onto an arm. The screen is in a dark room with a largely black and white film being shown to the left.