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A Mother’s Love: a “Somewhere In Chicago” Story


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Somewhere in Chicago lives a young vandal. Trying to get his name up, but most importantly, make his momma proud!

Image: A black and white comic page featuring a mother holding a baby. The illustration resembles a Virgen de Guadalupe but instead of an angel at the bottom there are spray cans, barbed wire, and roses. Bottom Text reads, A Mother's Love: a "Somewhere in Chicago" Story. Illustration created by Buflo for Sesenta.
Image: A black and white comic page featuring a mother holding a baby. The illustration resembles a Virgen de Guadalupe but instead of an angel at the bottom there are spray cans, barbed wire, and roses. Bottom Text reads, A Mother’s Love: a “Somewhere in Chicago” Story. Illustration created by Buflo for Sesenta.
Image: A black and white comic page featuring a mother holding a baby. The illustration resembles a Virgen de Guadalupe but instead of an angel at the bottom there are spray cans, barbed wire, and roses. Bottom Text reads, A Mother's Love: a "Somewhere in Chicago" Story. Illustration created by Buflo for Sesenta.
Image: A black and white comic page featuring a ski-mask wearing artist laying on his bed with a cat, phone, and blunt nearby. The text reads: Somewhere in Chicago lives a young vandal. Trying his best to get his name up, but most importantly, make his momma proud! Niño get up! I'm going to miss my train! There's sopes on the comal, te amo! Illustration created by Buflo for Sesenta.
Image: A black and white comic page featuring a ski-mask wearing artist walking on the street while a police car drives by. The text reads: Take a look at this little foo! Hey! Go Home Mariano! Dejalo! He's probably just tryna get home to his hyna like the both of us! He wanders the streets alone at night looking for a perfect spot for his mom to see. If it's not bangers bothering him it's pigs! Illustration created by Buflo for Sesenta.
Image: A black and white comic page featuring an artist wearing all black climbing a wall while a building tenent watches TV unbothered. The text reads: So the screen just goes black?! What kind of ending is this! After climbing story after story he's finally reached the top, ready to show his mother love the only way he knows how: through paint! Illustration created by Buflo for Sesenta.
Image: A black and white comic page featuring a smiling momma in a moving vehicle as she passes the graffiti wall her son painted for her to see. The text reads: At last, his mom had something beautiful to look at on her way to work, somewhere in Chicago...Aww my niño! How did he even get up there?! Te Amo Mama! Illustration created by Buflo for Sesenta.

About the Artist: “Buflo” is a Latino graffiti artist who has been painting illegally for more than 10 years. Lately he channels his earliest memories of doing graffiti through short stories giving a glimpse on what one artist might go thru during painting a night in the south side of Chicago. 

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