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Udita Upadhyaya_Performance Falak Vasa_0454_by Esther Espino


Udita Upadhyaya (back left) and Falak Vasa (back right) laugh during Falak’s performance in response to the score, “Dear फलक : hum (हम).” Photograph by Esther Espino.

This is a long shot of the gallery, showing the gallery’s door and windows and parts of white walls. The large front window shows a motif of intersecting triangular shapes, and the walls show black letters and words stretching across the wall and creating shapes, including a triangle. The image is filled with people. Many are laughing or smiling and most are sitting in the windowsill and on the floor, facing the stairs at the back of the image. On the stairs sit the artist and the performer, facing each other and laughing.